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Global Applied Research Network- South Asia (GARNET-SA)

The Global Applied Research Network -South Asia (GARNET-SA) is one of the EPRC’s programs and its global coordination is conducted by EPRC in collaboration with an Advisory Committee. The main objective of the network is to build capacity of the professionals / practitioners based on exchange of applied research related information on drinking water, sanitation, environment, agriculture and climate change adaptation. It is a member demand-based network. The specific activities and topics of interests are updated /modified according to the suggestions of the members. It is a voluntary and open-to-all knowledge exchange initiative organized by local and international professionals. The network advisory committee comprised of representatives from Bangladesh Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO), Department of Environment (DOE) World Health Organization Bangladesh, UNICEF Bangladesh, BCSIR, WEDC, Loughborough University UK, OSAKA, Japan, Indian Institute of Bio-Social Research and Development (IBRAD), All  India Institute of Public Health .and John Hopkins University USA. Recently GARNET-SA India has been launched by Indian Institute of Bio-Social Research and Development (IBRAD). Professor S. B. Roy, Chairman of IBRAD is coordinating it in collaboration with Dr Bilqis Amin Hoque.   

The GARNET-SA began functioning formally in Bangladesh in April, 1992. It was launched by a group of professionals from ICDDRB, UNICEF, Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Disaster  Management Bureau (DMB), DFID, WHO, Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (BCSIR), Agency for Social, Forestry & Environmental Conservation (ASFEC), Development Association for Cooperation in Bangladesh (DACOB), CARE Bangladesh,  following a workshop on “Mobilization of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in water supply and sanitation” in BRAC Auditorium Rajendrapur on April 12-13, 1992.  The GARNET-Bangladesh joined the global GARNET by the Water Engineering and Development Center (WEDC) at Loughborough University, UK and The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) in 1995. The Network then scaled-up its activities to South Asia and international level in 1997 in collaboration with WEDC (as GARNET-SA). The secretariat of GARNET-SA moved from ICDDRB to EPRC in 2000. Currently there are approximately 570 organization members from different kinds of organizations in Bangladesh and other countries in South Asia, USA, UK and Japan. The memberships are offered to different organizations. Individuals can become members in specified cases. Application forms can be obtained from EPRC offices and this website. Dr. Bilqis Amin Hoque has been the Coordinator/Principal Investigator of the network since its formulation.

The main activities of GARNET-SA include holding workshops and seminars, organizing training, collaborative research and educational program, production of six monthly newsletters and other reports as well as communication materials, and collaborative relief and recovery activities in hazards/disasters. GARNET-SA has been organizing four or more local information sharing and training workshops per year. As of 2010 it has organized 40 numbers of national & 05 numbers of international conferences, conducted a few collaborative researches on development of arsenic removal technology (Home-made Emergency GARNET filter) and other issues, produced communication materials with member organizations, provided environmental, hygiene, ORS and other relief support in almost all disasters in Bangladesh, and done other activities in collaboration with member organizations. The local workshops have been designed to build the capacity of small NGOs, schools, local government institutions and other local stakeholders as demanded by the local GARNET-SA members. In addition, six monthly GARNET newsletters have been produced and distributed among the members since 1996. GARNET-SA sincerely appreciates your and your organization’s contribution to the continuing realization of its objectives and implementation of the activities.

Ref: Proceedings of the workshop on “Mobilization of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in water supply and sanitation, April12-13, 1992, BRAC Auditorium, Rajendrapur, Bangladesh.

List of GARNET-SA Advisory Committee
Membership Application Form

Current Announcements
Current GARNET News Letter