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Regional Conference and Training Program on

Water, Agriculture and Ecosystem

Indian Institute of Bio-Social Research and Development (IBRAD) and Environment and Population Research Centre (EPRC) have jointly organized a day-long regional conference entitled, “Water Conservation, Drinking Water and Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Ecosystem Services” on 12th  April, 2017 at IBRAD conference room in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The main purpose of the workshop was to discuss important problems and solutions in real contexts from Bengal perspectives.

 A Short training course was conducted on “Organic Agriculture and Water Quality” on 10th to 11th

 April, 2017.

GARNET-SA Fellowship Awards are Ongoing

GARNET-SA Fellowship Award for 2017 has been announced by the Garnet Secretariat. Interested Garnet-SA member organizations, post graduate students of Universities and other scholars are kindly requested to collect the apply form and necessary information from the Secretariat within August 30, 2017.

Secretariat Address: Dr. Sufia Khanam

                             H # 221, R # 15, New DOHS, Mohakhali

                             Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh

                             Phone: 880-2-9842772