Environment and Population Research Centre (EPRC) was established in 1998. This is a multi-disciplinary research, education, training and networking non-government and not-for-profit organization. Its vision is to redress sufferings of the poor through appropriate management/development of environment, water, hygiene, wastes, sanitation, agriculture, forestry, energy, food, disaster risks management, education, health, climate change adaptation, and social scopes for livelihood improvement in local, regional and global level.
EPRC has been successfully undertaking its mission incorporating and implementing strategic research, academic and developmental activities for effective and sustainable achievements in targeted goals. It has been conducting partnership and collaborative projects with governmental departments' non-government organizations and donor agencies from Bangladesh and other countries.
EPRC runs an environmental and basic food testing laboratory. The Laboratory renders services to EPRC's own projects as well as services to the other organizations on request.
EPRC coordinates an information exchange network: the Global Applied Research Network for Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Environment and Agriculture-South Asia (GARNET-SA) among more than 600 member-organizations. It is guided by an advisory committee which includes members of Bangladesh and other regional countries. Dr. Bilqis Amin Hoque has been the Coordinator/Principal Investigator of the network since its inception in Bangladesh. GARNET-SA chapter in India are being coordinated by Indian Institute of Bio-Social Research and Development (IBRAD), West Bengal, India collaboration with EPRC.
EPRC also conducts coordinates and hosts short training courses, workshops and post graduate research with institutions and universities from Bangladesh, India, USA, Netherlands, Japan, Denmark and other countries.
EPRC has permanent professional staff in the fields of environmental issues, water resources civil engineering, social science, economics, public health, business management, statistics, sociology, agriculture, renewable energy, disaster risk management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, food security, drinking water, sanitation, hygiene, air quality, local government, capacity build-up and other related disciplines. In addition, when required, the qualified registered associate members work with the EPRC team. Further, EPRC often brings on board short-term staff and professionals with short notice out sourcing from various sources including GARNET-SA member organizations when required for any project.
EPRC has achieved an enviable record of success with an involvement in more than 100 projects in different parts of Bangladesh and other countries
Overall, EPRC has considerable experiences and a strong commitment to sustainable development under normal and disaster/emergency conditions in rural and urban areas.